
Beware Of Scams!

Attention: There have been instances of individuals pretending to be BentleyRecords.io representatives or affiliated with Bentley Records in an attempt to scam members of the public. Please be aware that BentleyRecords.io will never ask for personal information or payment over the phone. All our payments are done through Stripe. Any requests for payments via CashApp or Bitcoin is guaranteed a scam.

These are official emails used by our companies:
Please be aware that the only official contact numbers used by Bentley Records are:
+1 917 409 6924
WhatsApp: +971 58 687 4002
These are some examples of Gmails & other free email client emails used by scammers:
If you want to verify the genuineness of an email you have received, email: [email protected]
If you receive a suspicious call or email, do not provide any information. Protect yourself and your information by staying vigilant and verifying the identity of anyone claiming to represent Bentleyrecords.io.
Any perpetrators using any trademarks owned by Bentleyrecords.io FZE will be reported to the FBI.

the images below showcase common visuals used by scammers