Fr35h and hip-hop seem to compatible to not share an intimate bond. They were both birthed in the early 80s, during the notorious Regan and crack era. Fr35h is an artist who has persevered through the trials and tribulations of growing up in a poverty stricken area. Capturing an audience who awaits with bated breath to hear Fr35h’s poetic, heartfelt, and occasionally painful stories over soulful beats that resonate within the souls of each of his fans.

As of 2021, FR35h has took on the task of recording and releasing an exclusive track every Friday.It has been on a long, hard, and tumultuous journey. Although the bond with hip-hop was never compromised and his loyalty never wavered, the future for one of the best lyricist is a promising one. Hip-Hop never truly dies! Every now and again, it just needs a breath of Fr35h air.



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