Bryce Dillingham better known as “BMaxx” is a Songwriter , Rapper, Singer and performer from Cleveland Ohio. Growing up dealing with depression and anxiety BMaxx was able to over come some of life’s hardest obstacles and is now currently a up and coming artist with Bentley Records. BMaxx has released 3 singles over the past year “Hustle Up”ft. (Tiffany Cole), “Hall of Fame” Dream$ and “Where is Love”. With a unique skill set that stands out from the rest “Bmaxx” is able to express his many emotions lyrically through song ranging from love, aggression, anger, inspiration, confidence, hunger ect. Performing at several shows through out Ohio and PA “BMaxx” has found expressing and displaying his art in front of crowds of people very therapeutic. His Debut project “Time to Collect” is set to release in early 2022.