Andy Mittleman (A.M.) was born in California, lived in Germany at a young age,
then moved to New Mexico, and then ended up in Oklahoma.
He started working on music with his first band at the age of sixteen.
He had other groups and jam practices with Metal, Hair Metal, Death Metal, Rock, Alternative, Rap. etc
A.M. was notified that his mother had been diagnosed with A.L.S. The day of his first concert.
He played his acoustic show and then a few days later hopped on a plane out to N.M.
The second he saw her, he put down the guitar.
His mind flooded with all the words he needed to say and get out.
A.M. has invested thousands into his production, physically and digitally.
Through the years he has met many people,
A.M. recorded “Bleed Out” with Mickey Lynch as a collaboration album.
It was a major success as it was the first album
recorded, mixed, and mastered by A.M.
After a year A.M. recorded his first solo album
“Nail Those In”
This album was filled with thoughts of pain
and psychological metaphors.
“My mind was in a dark place and I needed to get that out there,
people needed the relation.
I was scared to put this into the universe,
who knew I needed to?”
– A.M.
He then recorded another solo album
“My Mind (The Sickness)”
touching on several subjects and opening a new pathway,
statistics filled with subject matter that can stun the soul.
He has gained the trust and friendship of thousands with his music.
A.M. represents Buried Inside Of Us
“Buried Inside Of Us” means to change the way we think by finding the one thing that connects us all.
It has become the purpose behind A.M.
He came up with the name after his mother passed away as a means of showing
that we can all relate and help each other in all forms of life.
A.M. has trained in his own vocal style for well over 12 years.
He is a dedicated individual with intentions to reach the top.
Shows/Performances booked in the last year by request :
– Feb 13th 2021 (Bad Ass Renee’s, Tulsa O.K.)
with Insane Poetry, Nyro The Mad Man, and Unknown Kapriest
– March 5th 2021 (The Venue Shrine, Tulsa O.K.)
with Harakiri, Shane Diego, The Struggle
– April 3rd 2021 (BlackBird On Pearl, Tulsa O.K.)
with Frodo The Ghost, DNC, Joe Tamus
– April 9th 2021 (Blackbird On Pearl, Tulsa O.K.)
with Kurosion, Alan Doyle
– August 2nd 2021 (Margarita Island, Oklahoma City O.K.)
with Scum, DNC, and Nyro The Mad Man
– August 6th (Mama Sues, Tulsa O.K.)
with Mizere, Tulsa Made, Kurt Brodie
– August 12th (BlackBird On Pearl, Tulsa O.K.)
with The Struggle
– August 14th (Pour Decisionz, Tulsa O.K.)
with Had Enough, Patch Flowers, Jake Bleezy
– August 20th (Mulhall, O.K. Okillahoma Music Festival)
– August 26th (Uncle Bentleys, Tulsa O.K.)
with Had Enough, Patch Flowers, OSO Swift, DNC
– September 4th (Mama Sues, Tulsa O.K.)
with H.E., J.Rob, Tulsa Made
– September 17th (Luther, O.K. Luni-Festival)
– September 18th (BlackBird On Pearl, Tulsa O.K.)
with DNC, Kurosion, H.E.
– September 23rd (Oklahoma State Fair, O.K.C.)
– September 26th (BlackBird On Pearl, Tulsa)
with Split Personality, J. Rob, Mongrel K
– October 2nd (Bad Ass Renee’s, Tulsa O.K.)
with Shelter In Place, Gadget Sons, Spadez
– October 9th (Mama Sues Pub, Tulsa O.K.)
with MudVillanz, Ace, J.Rob, Twitchblade, kurosion
– October 22nd (Rabbit Hole, Tulsa O.K.)
with Spadez, Chaos Capone 3, Tulsa Made, Kurt Brodie
– October 23rd (Enid, O.K. Monster Ball Festival)
more to be announced on my social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)