Satvik Sharma, professionally known as HYKE (Hyped Young Knight of Emceeing) is an Indian rapper and song writer.
He describes his music as a fusion of old school rap and new school music due to his lyrical emphasis in writing combined with his delivery.
The rapper has been a recording artist since 2018 and his journey began with a Delhi based crew as well as an establishing record label ‘ABCMR’, joined ‘WE ARE APEX’ (a Delhi based band) in 2021 and is currently working with Bentley records as an artist.
The artist has more than 30 single releases streaming and the latest EP which released in June 2021 is called ‘One man cypher’ followed by fresh singles.
The Jaipur based artist, from performing live in clubs of Delhi and Jaipur to being the main artist of Rajasthan Hip Hop cypher’s ‘Shaam E Hip Hop’, ‘Hip hop Darbar’ has gained his performing experiences.
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