Lê Khoa

Le Khoa is a performer, producer and song writer, Le Khoa is from Vietnam and has lived in the US for more than 5 years.
The great success of Le Khoa’s career was in 2013 entering the top 10 of the x Factor program, then in 2018 Le Khoa released his first studio album in Vietnam and sold more than 1 million records. Next is the Music video What Have We Done to Our World? achieved more than 75k Views on youtube.
Get to work with Randy Merrill who has done music for Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, Adele…etc. Although still an independent artist, Le Khoa always tries to improve her image to the public. Le Khoa supports the LGBTQ community in general and people with special circumstances in particular, because to him, people and humanity are the best things of nature.



[email protected]
