
St. Clair Sagab Addir Du-Berry Jr. is a rising star from Atlanta, Georgia, who currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Beginning as a child singing in his family church entitled “Alpha & Omega” pastored by his mother and father, he was described as “the loudest voice in the choir”. His late father, St. Clair Du-Berry Sr, passed away when he was 15 years old (November 3rd, 2009), and it changed his life forever. He currently raps, produces, sings, writes, records, and performs his own music. He has been seen in the New York Weekly for his hit single “Magic Man” from his 6th studio album “21st Century Sonic Wisdom”. He has also had his hard hitting music video/single “Pyramid Scheme” featured on the Canadian “Tinnitist” music blog website. He has also been featured multiple times on the “Woke Chimp” music blog website for his single “Cast the First Stone”, and for his riveting and compelling 8th studio album “Nostalgia Ultimate”. He is currently signed under Bentley Records as a rising artist in the game. He works as a solo performing/recording artist, and continues to push hard to remain a Saint of the industry.



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